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Are you struggling with the loss of a loved one? You don't have to grieve alone. Work towards healing by joining us for GriefShare.  This session of GriefShare runs from February 17th through May 12th, with both adult and teen groups available. Click "Learn More" for more information or to register.


Financial Peace University

Are you ready for freedom in your finances? Join us for the next round of Financial Peace University! The class starts January 27th at 6:30 pm and will continue on Mondays through March 24th. Copy and paste the link below into your browser to start your journey towards financial freedom.


Middle School Winter Retreat

Middle School will be heading to White Mills Christian Camp for THE WKND Winter Retreat!
Friday February 7 through Sunday February 9
We will be leaving COTC at approximately 5pm on Friday and will return to COTC before first service starts at 9:30 on Sunday.
Cost will be $50
Please review, print, and sign the permission and medical release forms.

Please use code 25MSCOTC at registration


High School Winter Retreat

High School will be heading to White Mills Christian Camp for THE WKND Winter Retreat!
Friday February 21 through Sunday February 23
We will be leaving COTC at approximately 5pm on Friday and will return to COTC before first service starts at 9:30 on Sunday.
Cost will be $50
Please review, print, and sign the permission and medical release forms.

Please use code 25HSCOTC at registration

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New to COTC and want to know more about who we are, what we believe or how to get plugged in? COTC & Me is for you! Our next class is Feb 2nd, during second service (11 AM)  in The Hub. 

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